Wednesday, July 7, 2010

टूल #4

So, I did tool #4 (well, and also realized I could change some of the print on the blog to Hindi if I wanted...ha, ha) and it was really nice to be able to create a document and share it with my coworkers (they haven't started the tools yet, so I'm not sure when they will collaborate); it is just the preliminaries of the resource/inclusion schedule that we will be using for this coming school year. I agree with several of those who have already used this: it is wonderful to just be working with one document that we can each update as needed (especially in our case, since our schedule changes frequently, depending on the students that we see, their time allotments, new students entering sp. ed., etc.). Additionally, this same document will be shared with our administrators so that they will always have an updataed schedule that will allow them to find us with ease if they need us.

Google Reader is also a nice tool to keep everything that you want to see frequently conveniently located in one place. Unlike favorites or bookmarks, this allows you to get the updates without actually needing to go to individual sites.

I do now feel a little behind the times since these tools have been around for a while and I didn't even know, but then, knowing requires that either someone has told you or you have done some independent investigation, and neither has been the case for me regarding any of this. While doing this does eat up a good amount of my time, I can honestly say that it will be a good thing to assist teachers in the classroom and out. Google docs could allow students to edit each others' work (don't we ask them to do this anyway?), as well as allow teachers to collaborate with students in, perhaps, a more kid-friendly atmosphere, on student work. Google reader might be anotehr way to keep up with teacher and student-selected sites that host information important for the students (other blogs, content area-specific sites, etc.). I'd like to see what others are thinking with regard to how these tools/apps could be used...

1 comment:

  1. Hola Tú, Well it seems like you are done with 11 tools wow!!! Que no tienes nada que hacer o que hombre!
    I agreed with you to say all these technologic tools have been around us for a long time and we haven't noticed them so far. Maybe because we don't have the time or the need to explore beyond our eyes. 11 tools is pushing us to spend our summer time (gggrrrr!) to catch up with technology we could apply in our classroom or out of it. I'm glad you are done. Felicidades hombre!!
